Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekly weigh in

WEIGHT: 172.2

I'm going to start doing weekly weigh in on Monday.  I've been doing this personally, but I might as well start doing it here too.  I'll include a weekly loss next time, but I don't have the information from last week.

Remember Saturday, when I said that weight loss fluctuates?  Well, my body sure did prove my point this week.

Yesterday I was 174.8.  Today I am 172.2, which is an all-time low for me!  Despite my limited appetite yesterday, I didn't simply lose 2.6 pounds in a day.  Maybe I shouldn't trust the surprisingly high numbers, but it's always the low numbers I am skeptical of.  I find it easier to blame myself for high numbers than trust the hard work I did for the low numbers.

So how did I lose over 2 pounds in a day?  I have no answer, but I do have an idea.  I eat a lot of sodium during the week because of all of the pre-packaged meals I eat.  On weekends I try to compensate with more home-cooked foods.  I think the two pound drop is simply no longer being full of salt, and thus not retaining water weight.

Of course it could just be my hard work paying off at the end of the week, but I find it hard to believe it.  Maybe that's just because I'm not good at giving myself praise, despite the almost 55 pounds I've lost in the last year and a half.

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