Saturday, July 4, 2009

Little successes

One of the fun things about weight loss is going through the closet and seeing what fits.

Today I found a dress I haven't worn in years. It is the first - and last - sundress I owned. Sitting in my closet at my parents' house, it waited for me for years as I fluctuated sizes. Now - finally - it fits again! I am really excited to wear it again.

There are only a handful of items that I owned when I was last size 14 that still don't fit me (well). I am currently a little over 190 pounds. The lowest weight I've ever been is 185. It's exciting to know that in just over five pounds I will be the lowest weight of my entire non-child lifetime! I wonder how long it will be until I drop another size, and will be the lowest size that I remember ever being.

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